Edgerton & Glenn provide a Variety of Preventative, Restorative, and Cosmetic Dental Services to Wilmington, NC Residents. Call To Schedule Your Consultation Today.

Composite Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is procedure that uses a molding material that looks and feels like your real teeth. This strong substance is used to fix and repair chipped or cracked teeth, exposed roots due to gum recession, minimize teeth gaps or address issues of general decay. Dental bonding is a dentistry treatment not unlike dental filling for cavities but more versatile and more aesthetically similar to a natural tooth. You and your dentist can look to dental bonding to address a general dentistry or a cosmetic dentistry issues. Dental bonding is most commonly used in treatment plans to address the following:

  • Altering the tooth shape to offer a more symmetrical smile
  • Resurfacing the tooth to cover any discoloration to result in a whiter, brighter smile
  • Repairing tooth decay and subsequent drilling to remove the decay
  • Increasing the size of the tooth to better match the surrounding teeth
  • Mending chipped teeth or cracked teeth to prevent plaque and bacteria from creating more damage
  • Repairing damage from gum recession and protecting the tooth root
  • Closing any small gaps between teeth to improve aesthetics and prevent plaque and bacteria from damaging the teeth inside of the gap

If any of these or other dental issues have been bothering you or you think your teeth may benefit from dental bonding, you may want to set up an appointment to discuss your best options and treatment plan with your dentist. Especially if you have recently chipped or cracked a tooth or noticed that you have a chip or a crack near an older dental repair, you should not wait any longer to make this appointment. The more you delay repair, the more likely you will experience more damage to the tooth and even to your bite. Structurally compromised teeth need more invasive procedures to repair damage and uneven bites can lead to gum recession. If a quick and easy dental bonding procedure can help you avoid more decay, pain and time in the dental office, then a phone call to schedule an appointment may not seem like such an inconvenience.

Dental Bonding In Wilmington North Carolina at Edgerton and Glenn

CALL (910) 256-9230

1426 Commonwealth Dr. Suite A, Wilmington, NC 28403


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Dental Bonding Procedure

Once you and your Edgerton & Glenn dentist agree that a dental bonding is the best way to treat your teeth, then the dentist will clean the affected tooth or teeth. Then once the tooth is dry after it has been cleaning, the dentist will apply the bonding resin to the existing tooth. This resin is a compound of several components including different adhesives, and dentist applies the resin in layers until the dentist achieves the appropriate thickness for the repair or alteration. Then the resin will dry and harden in its new place in your mouth. The dentist may have to shape or adjust the resin to fit your bite and to blend in with the surrounding teeth. Finally, the dentist will clean and polish the resin so your new smile is clean and bright. The whole process usually takes about one to two hours to complete but if the dentist is working on a large area or involves complicated work in more than one area, the dentist may require more time to make sure the work is completed well and the resin has enough time to set and harden before moving forward with the next step.

Because the resin has multiple components, the compound’s color can be adjusted to match your teeth. The coloring can be adjusted so well and match so closely that people will not be able to tell the difference between the dental bond and your natural teeth.

Difference Between Dental Bonding & Veneers

Many people are familiar with veneers due to their popularity with famous actors and actresses changing their smiles to whiter, more symmetrical versions. While veneers and dental bonding can offer some similar results aesthetically, they are very different approaches. To put it simply, dental bonding is a less complex version of veneers. Compared to veneers, dental bonding is easier for the dentist to complete, faster from beginning to end, less invasive and less expensive. Veneers require maintenance more frequently than dental bonding.

Benefits of Dental Bonding

The most obvious benefit of having the dental bonding procedure is apparent when you look in the mirror once the dentist finishes working; your smile is instantly improved and usually after one visit. Cracked teeth, chipped teeth, and yellow teeth can lead to self-consciousness, but this simple procedure can change that and increase confidence and sense of self-worth. Another benefit of dental bonding over veneers is that veneers require removal of the tooth enamel, and dental bonding strengthens the tooth. With that in mind, dental bonding can reinforce the tooth’s protection from infection and further damage.

Caring for Dental Bonding

Although long term drastic changes to your diet are not necessary to properly maintain your dental bonding, you should try to avoid crunching on hard foods after your procedure. And your usual homework still applies; continue brushing and flossing at least twice daily and continue scheduling your dentist appointments every six months.

Costs of Dental Bonding

Costs for each procedure vary depending on how long the procedure takes, what materials the procedure requires, how many visits the procedure requires, and the amount of work the dentist is required to do. It may surprise you to know, but dental insurance may cover some of the costs for these as well as elective procedures as they lead to improved overall dental health and long term benefits. If you do not have dental insurance coverage or you have any questions about payment options for your treatment plan, you are more than welcome to talk to our staff at any time. Your budget’s health is just as important as your mouth’s health.


High Quality Care You Can Trust

At Edgerton & Glenn Cosmetic and General Dentistry. We strive to build relationships with our patients. You are more than just teeth, you are our patient and friend and we want to help you to achieve and maintain oral health as best we can. We look forward to meeting you and talking about what is best for you and your mouth. Please contact us to set up a dental bonding appointment at (910) 256-9230.