Can you fix exposed tooth roots naturally?

Exposed tooth root treatment

The greatest impact on the treatment of tooth exposed roots is the patient's own efforts, but the entire process should begin in the dentist's chair. A periodontist will not only examine your teeth and assess your oral cavity for any potential problems but will also pay attention to important details in your daily dental care. Maintaining proper oral hygiene is the basis of therapy in the case of periodontitis, which leads to the exposure of tooth roots. Correct tooth brushing technique (vertical-rotational) and scaling, performed by a dentist or hygienist every six months, will bring the patient closer to healthy gums.

For most people, exposed tooth roots are only an aesthetic problem. Unfortunately, the exposed root means that structures that should be hidden in the gum are exposed to direct action of external factors and pathogenic bacteria. So how to deal with exposed cervix. Is applying ointment on exposed tooth roots a sufficient solution?

What causes exposed tooth roots?

In the mouth, in addition to the teeth and tongue, we also find gums, alveolar mucosa, root cement, alveolar bones, periodontium, and blood and lymphatic vessels.

At the top of the gum there is free gum, which is not attached to the tooth or bone, and is adjacent to the tooth root. This gum connects to the pink "triangles" between the roots of adjacent teeth (so-called interdental papillae). In a healthy state, the gum and bone fit snugly to the tooth, but for various reasons they can slip, exposing the tooth root.

The cause of exposed tooth roots is periodontal disease. During this disease, the gums become red, swollen and bleed. If we ignore the problem, not only may the roots be exposed, but even the teeth may be lost! Periodontal disease develops when there are large amounts of tartar on the teeth.

Exposed tooth roots mean gum recession

Gum recession, i.e. exposed tooth roots, is the result of the gums and bone sliding off the tooth. Apart from being an unsightly aesthetic defect, the exposed root is exposed to attack by bacteria and irritants from the oral cavity - acidic food, drinks and sugar.

Exposed roots are dangerous because the root surface, unlike the crown, is porous, so the bacteria causing caries to adhere to its surface much easier and faster. Therefore, a serious defect may occur very quickly, careers may penetrate the pulp and require root canal treatment.

What to do with exposed tooth roots?

Unfortunately, we do not have many options for treating or alleviating symptoms at home. If symptoms occur, it is best to go to the dentist's office and ask him for appropriate instructions on brushing teeth with exposed tooth roots. As with most oral diseases, it is crucial to acquire appropriate oral hygiene habits.

How to treat exposed gums?

First, we should remove tartar, plaque and foreign bodies that may irritate the gums, eg lip and tongue piercings. If there is a malocclusion that may affect the treatment of exposed roots, orthodontic treatment should absolutely be started. It is worth knowing that there are several degrees of severity of the problem with exposed cervix. They can be divided into four classes of recession, on which the success of treatment depends.

How does the ointment work on exposed tooth roots?

Until a visit to the dentist or while waiting for surgery, we can use ointment on exposed tooth roots at home. This ointment simply seals (locks) the exposed dentin on the surface of the tooth roots and thus reduces their hypersensitivity. Moreover, the applied layer of ointment protects against tartar accumulation.

Is ointment enough for exposed tooth roots?

Treatment of exposed roots depends on the stage of advancement, but surgery is considered the most effective treatment method. The surgical treatment itself can be carried out in various ways. Sometimes tissue transplantation is performed, previously taken from the palate, or surgical relocation of part of the mucous membrane from the area of ​​exposed roots. Sometimes the doctor may propose guided regeneration, which involves the use of special medical material - resorbable membranes.

Remember, ointment or gel for exposed roots is a temporary solution. It does not improve the condition of gums and teeth, but only has a symptomatic effect. For some people this may be disastrous, because when we feel less pain, there is a risk that we may forget about the problem, which is constantly getting worse. External preparations for exposed roots provide temporary relief but will not replace a visit to the dentist.

How do you fix exposed tooth roots