Why are my Teeth Chipping?

Tooth enamel is considered to be the hardest substance in the human body. But like everything, it too has a limit, and your teeth can still fracture, chip, or break. Chipped teeth are actually a common occurrence and can become damaged for many reasons. Many of the causes of teeth chipping can be prevented, but there are others that cannot, so it is important to take oral hygiene seriously so you can help prevent the causes of chipped teeth that are under your control.

What are the main causes of a chipped tooth?

You may have weakened teeth. In fact, when tooth enamel erodes, teeth weaken and are more likely to chip or break. Tooth enamel erosion can be caused by several factors, such as:

* Poor oral hygiene
* Caries
* Eating acidic foods such as fruit juices, spicy foods, coffee, sweets, candies, etc.
* Dry mouth. If your mouth doesn't produce enough saliva, it won't be able to wash away bacteria that will weaken your teeth.
* Chronic acid reflux and heartburn
* Use of alcohol
* Smoking
* Age

Injuries or trauma to the teeth

If the teeth are injured, they may chip. Here are some examples in which it is easy to suffer damage to the teeth:

* No wearing a mouthguard while playing sports
* Car accidents
* Falls
* Biting things that are too hard (e.g. candies, ice…)

Teeth grinding

If you grind your teeth during the night, over time it can cause chips or cracks. While this is one of the least possible causes of chipped teeth, if left untreated, long-term teeth grinding can cause the teeth and supporting structures to break down causing you significant dental problems.

Bite problems

Many people have biting problems. If the upper and lower teeth don't meet properly or if the teeth have shifted, this will cause an increased force on the teeth when chewing and could lead to a chip.

Chipped or ruined teeth: which ones are most at risk?

Without any doubt we can say that every weakened tooth is at risk. However, a study confirms that the lower second molar is one of the teeth most at risk.

This is probably because it requires a fair amount of pressure when chewing. Secondly, we find teeth that have been treated for a cavity with fillings are more prone to chipping. That said, even intact teeth are prone to chipping, so please make sure you monitor your teeth.

Symptoms and complications

If the chip is minor and not in the front of your mouth, you may not know you have it at all, but the symptoms are as follows:

* You will feel the jagged tooth surface when you pass your tongue over it
* An irritation of the gum around the tooth
* We can also find an irritation of the tongue
* Tooth pain: this is due to the pressure on the tooth during the bite. It can be intense if the chipping is near or exposes the nerves of the tooth.

Because you cannot always see or feel a chipped tooth, it is important to have regular twice-yearly dental visits. While a chipped tooth is not a huge emergency, if the chipping is large enough to start affecting the root of the tooth, an infection can occur, so it is best to get anything checked by your dentist.

Are Chipped Teeth Common