What is Dental Bone Loss?

Dental bone loss is what happens when the bone material inside your jaw and gums degrades. Determining what is causing the bone loss can be as complex as treating it. You have to go to a professional to determine what is going on. You will need x rays and a comprehensive examination, to see what the supporting structures health looks like. If you are replacing missing teeth, remember to ask your dentist about what materials and options are ideal for your situation.

What is causing bone loss?

Is it due to an infection? Was there a trauma to your jaw? Do you have a history of bone loss in your family? This is why you need to get checked up first. The most common causes of bone loss are

* Infection- Infection is super common in modern dentistry, but it does not have to be. Whenever you have a mucus membrane–a cut, an orifice, or a soft tissue in the gums–you risk infection. Dental hygiene is so important for this very reason. Removing decaying material, like old food, prevents areas for bacteria to grow within the mouth. Bacteria attacks and destroys tissue, down to the bone if it is advanced.

* Trauma- Trauma happens. People fall, the get hit with things, they get in accidents. The unfortunate aspect is that after the initial recovery, people discover that the damage they suffered has led to bone loss.

* Missing Teeth- If you are missing teeth, then you are more likely to lose more, and lose bone density. The gaps in your teeth will lead to the bones in your jaw shrinking and becoming deformed, unless you replace them promptly before any further damage can occur.

Replacing bone structure

Dental implants replace missing teeth through the jaw. An anchor is inserted into the jaw, which stimulates growth of bone and tissues. This stimulation is the sort of boost your jaw needs to overcome bone loss. Some patients also turn to bone grafts, where healthy bone structure is placed into the jaw. The process of stimulating the bone growth around new healthy structure is known as osseointegration.

By replacing structure in the jaw, you are prohibiting the loss of bone density, or at least slowing the process. With missing teeth, there is no support in the spacing of teeth. This can cause the teeth to move, become unoriented, or the jaw to shrink. Over time the jaw can deform and change shape, making you look different and causing your skin to wrinkle.

What to do about bone loss?

* See a Dentist
* See a Hygienist
* Discuss replacement options
* Replace missing teeth
* Treat any other symptoms as they appear

It will be important to monitor yourself for symptoms after the tooth replacement. You know the signs and symptoms to look for, based on what you have already experienced. When you see your dentist ask what other suggestions they may have. They may recommend an antibiotic for infection, or they may refer you to a dental surgeon.

What Causes Bone Loss