So your dentist has informed you that it is time for you to have your wisdom teeth extraction wilmington nc. Depending on the location of your wisdom teeth, the dentist may opt to remove your teeth in his office or refer you to an oral surgeon. Your mouth should start to heal right away and you will start to feel normal again after a few days.
Why Take Them Out?
Your wisdom teeth are the third set of molars; they are located the furthest back in your mouth compared to all your other teeth. More often than not, people start to feel the teeth grow in around the age of 17 to 25. Before the teeth break through the gums, the dentist will often catch them on x-rays during regular dental check-ups. The wisdom teeth are often removed because:
- Your mouth is not large enough to accommodate another set of molars in addition to all the teeth that are already in place.
The teeth have erupted above the gum line, but are starting to grow in the wrong way, at a bad angle for your other teeth, or even press on your other teeth affecting your bite. - You experience cavities and gum disease with your current molars and you will not be able to care for those additional teeth even further back in your mouth with regular brushing or flossing
- The teeth are impacted or trapped in your jawbone. They could even be stuck below the gums causing you pain or potentially an infection.
Before Surgery
Once you and your dentist determine that it is best to have your wisdom teeth removed, you and your dentist or oral surgeon will meet to discuss what will happen during your surgery. This pre-surgery appointment is a great time to:
- Ask any questions you have about the surgery and recovery.
- Talk about your medical and dental history. Be sure to include any health problems,other surgeries and allergies.
- Discuss your anesthesia options. You can be numbed locally or even be asleep for the whole procedure.
- Talk about any medications, vitamins and supplements you take regularly. Some pills can change your bleeding or ability to clot after surgery.
- Finally, once you know what kind of procedure you are going to have and what type of anesthesia you are going to use, be sure to take time off school or work. You will need time to rest at home after your teeth are removed. If you have children or pets, set up care plans for them and be sure to plan for a ride home after surgery.
During Surgery
The tooth removal process for your wisdom teeth should take less than an hour. You and your dentist or surgeon have made plans for anesthesia to keep you as comfortable as possible. Your choices are:
- Local: You will get a shot of a numbing medication in your gums where the doctor is removing your teeth. In addition, your dentist or surgeon may offer you nitrous oxide to keep you relaxed during the surgery. The effects of the laughing gas wear off quickly and you should start to feel alert soon.
- IV sedation: You may surgeon may use novacaine on your gums in addition to injecting a medication into your vein. This medication will cause immediate drowsiness and even allow you to sleep through the whole procedure.
- General: The dentist or surgeon will administer medication through an injection or through gas. You will sleep during the procedure and for a short while after the surgery.
Depending on the location of your teeth, the dentist may have cut your gums and even bone to remove the teeth completely. If this is the case, the dentist will use stitches to help your wounds heal. The material used for the stitches will dissolve after a few days. Immediately following surgery, the dentist may use gauze pads to soak up any blood.
More on Tooth Extractions : Can you Smoke After a Tooth Extraction?