Side Effects of Gum Depigmentation
A beautiful smile is not just about beautiful, well-aligned white teeth. The color of the gums also plays an important role. However, their pink pigmentation may just be a memory. In these cases, laser depigmentation, non-invasive and painless, is an effective solution.
The gums contain melanin, a physiological pigment well known for its presence in the skin, less for that in the mouth. And yet it is she who gives this particular "pink" color to the gums, a real jewel for the teeth. Of course, there are many different shades in different people, but when the gums darken, it may be time to ask the dentist to intervene.
Gingival hyper-pigmentation, in other words gums with a dark color or darker areas, can be a major aesthetic concern. Especially when a person has a gummy smile: when the gums are more visible than in "average" smiles. This hyper-pigmentation is due to an increased presence of melanin.
In the gums, it can be of natural origin in people with dark skin. More rarely, it is due to an illness or taking medication. The main cause of this aesthetic defect is related to smoking. The gums, attacked by smoke and heat, secrete more melanin and therefore darken the tissues, we speak of smoking melanosis.
How to prevent the appearance of black gums?
The best way to prevent black gums is to observe good oral hygiene. For this, it is advisable to brush your teeth effectively, with an electric brush and fluoridated toothpaste. Brushing should be done at least twice a day or after each meal if possible. Pay attention to your diet and especially avoid smoking.
How to treat the problem of black gums?
If you notice the appearance of black spots on your gums, it is recommended to contact a specialist. Because as you have certainly understood, black gums can be due to a genetic problem. By consulting a dentist, you will be subjected to medical tests. This will make it possible to detect the origin of the problem in order to initiate protective measures to eradicate it easily. Your dentist might recommend one of several types of procedures to fix dark gums, including surgery to remove the pigmented layer or laser treatment, which will take off the spots. Generally, the solutions are minimally invasive, and if you follow your dentist’s instructions for aftercare carefully, you will have minimal side effects.
Side Effects of Gum Depigmentation
In general, most people tolerate the procedure of gum depigmentation very well, especially because they can see results in just a few days! This is considered a minimally invasive treatment, and healing usually goes quickly. After the procedure, you can expect a small a mount of pain or discomfort. You will need to watch your diet and eat only foods indicated by your dentist. You will also need to take care to follow any after procedure care instructions carefully. Most pain and discomfort can be alleviated with over-the-counter pain medication and by avoiding foods and drinks that are acidic or might cause discomfort.