Cosmetic dentistry is growing in popularity. As we age, our teeth shift and wear. Porcelain veneers wilmington nc are an incredibly natural looking option to restore your smile to its youthful glory! Whether you have spaces or crooked teeth, discoloration, significant wear, chips or genetic problems, veneers can safely and quickly correct it.
Porcelain is a strong, thin material commonly used in cosmetic and restorative dentistry. Its durability enables it to last for decades with proper care and maintenance. Porcelain veneers are a pain-free and fast way to restore your smile. In this section, we will review the process involved in receiving porcelain veneers.
Prepping the teeth
Your dentist will begin the veneer process by bringing down the structure of your natural teeth by trimming them down and removing any existing decay so that there will be room for the thin porcelain tooth to be placed over your teeth. During this preparation, any old fillings will be removed as well to ensure proper adhesion of the veneer. The total loss of natural tooth structure will be between .5 and .7 millimeters.
Sedation is not usually required. Your dentist will determine if your individual case will require any numbing. If you have any phobias, you are welcome to request sedation during the procedure.
Determining the shade for your veneers will be determined by your dentist who will match them to the surrounding teeth. They will also choose where the laminate needs to be more translucent to look more natural. Our natural teeth tend to be opaque at the gumline and become more translucent at the cusp.
Once your teeth have been prepped, your dentist will take an impression of all of your teeth, using impression material in a tray which is inserted in the patient’s mouth and pressed in to cover all of the teeth. If you have a sensitive gag reflex, digital imaging may also be used. These impressions will help the dental lab fabricate your new veneers!
Temporary Veneers
Once your impressions have been taken, your dentist will make temporary veneers for you. These will be worn for a couple of weeks while the dental lab makes your permanent, porcelain veneers. The temporaries will be placed using temporary cement for easy removal. During this time, it will be important for you to avoid biting into hard or chewy foods. Cutting anything that can be cut will help keep the temporary veneers in place so you do not have to run back to your dentist to have them re-cemented.
Fitting Permanent Veneers
When your case is back from the lab, your dentist will have you come in for a fitting. Ensuring a proper fit is very important to avoid problems in the future. Your dentist will remove the previously placed temporary veneers and place the new porcelain veneers with temporary cement. You will be asked to close, bite and grind your teeth to make sure everything is comfortable and well fitting. Your dentist may need to trim the porcelain a few times to make sure everything is accurate. If you feel any discomfort at all, be sure to let your dentist know during this part of the visit.
Bonding the Veneer
Once you and your dentist have thoroughly inspected every veneer and ensured a proper fit and bite, your dentist will take them out and remove the temporary cement from the veneers and your teeth.
The veneer is then etched, which creates an optimal bonding surface. After the etching material is rinsed away, the permanent cement is placed on the veneer and the porcelain veneer is cemented to the tooth. A blue curing light is held to each veneer individually to set the cement. After everything is set, your new veneers will be cleaned, flossed and polished. Any final adjustments that need to be made will be done and you will have a beautiful new smile!
More on Porcelain Veneers : What's the Difference Between Porcelain and Composite Veneers?