Permanent Dentures
Traditional dentures have offered one of the most cost-effective methods for replacing missing teeth. However, if not fitted properly, removable dentures will start to loosen and shift over time, causing discomfort while impeding speech and eating. Prolonged wearing of removable dentures can also lead to jawbone shrinkage. Traditional dentures are also held in place with dental adhesives, which often leave quite a bit to be desired regarding their inability to hold the dentures stable.
What are Permanent Dentures?
Advanced dental technology has now provided the ability to resolve these issues with permanent dentures, or fixed dentures. They are basically denture devices that consist of a row of artificial teeth connected to a framework that is held in position by dental implants. Denture implants, acting as tooth roots, are surgically placed in the jawbone. These implant dentures are not removable like common dentures. That means that they feel exactly like natural teeth. There is no risk of them shifting or falling out. You cannot accidentally misplace them either. Plus, permanent denture implants can be placed where you need them. Whether it is just one missing tooth or many.
The Benefits of Permanent Dentures
Compared to conventional dental implants, permanent dentures involve shorter surgery and healing times as well as less invasive procedure and post-op discomfort. Some demonstrable advantages are:
- Compared to removable dentures, with permanent dentures you can eat foods and speak more comfortably.
- They deliver more even distribution of biting force.
- A longer lasting and more robust restoration.
- Easier maintenance with no need to remove for cleaning.
- Minimal number of dental implants required.
- Supports your facial features, giving you a more natural, youthful look.
- Fit better than removable dentures for optimum comfort. May be customized to fit your mouth precisely.
The Permanent Denture Procedure
A typical procedure for the placement of permanent dentures involves an oral examination of your dentition, followed by scanning of the jawbone to determine the precise locations for the implant placements, two in the front region and two at the back of the jawbone. The titanium implant posts are surgically placed in the jawbone. During the healing period the implants will biologically fuse to the jawbone in a process known as osseointegration. When stable and secure, extensions or abutments are added to reach the surface of the gumline. The permanent dentures will be affixed to the implants via a fastening system, which consists of either a ball and socket approach or a bar approach. Either way, with permanent dentures, you can eat, chew, bite, talk and smile, without the fear that your prosthetic teeth will slip and slide when you do these daily activities.
Who Should Get Denture Implants?
Permanent denture implants are possible for people who have enough bone in their jaw to support implants. The integrity or density of the jawbone is crucial in supporting the implants. The ideal candidates are in good physical health. Proper oral hygiene is important as it will assist in healing and recovery after implantation. It is also important to guarantee the life expectancy of your permanent dentures and your oral health.