Is Jaw Pain Tooth Related

Is Jaw Pain Tooth Related?

Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint is a term that encompasses a number of disorders involving the chewing muscles, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and associated structures, or both. Pain associated with mandibular joint dysfunction can be clinically expressed as chewing pain or temporomandibular pain (synovitis, capsulitis or osteoarthritis). Temporomandibular pain may, but not necessarily, be associated with dysfunction of the chewing system (clicking, joint lock, and limitation of movement).

A variety of symptoms can be linked to TMJ disorders. Pain, particularly in the chewing muscles and / or the joint itself, is the most common symptom.

Other possible symptoms are:

* Movement limitations or “locks” of the jaw
* Pain radiating to the face
* Painful clicks, groaning joint noises when opening and closing the mouth
* Sudden change in dental occlusion
* Symptoms such as headache, facial and ear pain, dizziness and hearing problems can sometimes be linked to TMJ disorders

Jaws, muscles, teeth, nervous system are closely connected. Precisely for this reason, the causes of jaw pain could derive from a malfunction of the muscles surrounding the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). TMJ disorders cause an alteration of the correct functioning of the jaw joints, causing pain and inflammation in the muscles and nerves of the neck, face, jaw, and head.
When malocclusion of the teeth occurs, tinnitus (buzzing and whistling), a feeling of muffling in the ear, headaches, migraines and neck pain can be triggered.

Among the causes of jaw pain there could also be a tooth with a cavity: when in fact the cavity is deep, up to the dental pulp, it triggers pain that can radiate from the tooth into the surrounding tissues in the jaw. Finally, jaw pain can also be attributable to damaged or incorrectly performed fillings, or to unsuitable prostheses, which can be responsible for chewing problems.

here are some precise red flags to keep in mind:

* Ringing and ringing in the ears
* Headache that originates at night
* Headache that begins with pain in the temples or behind the eyes
* Waking up with a heavy head and a feeling of not having rested or with a strongly clenched mouth
* Sensation of pain or stiffness in the cheek area
* Painful noises or clicks when opening your mouth

Relying on a specialist to treat mouth ailments will allow us to restore oral health and also eliminate the annoying jaw pain. The vast majority of these disorders can be treated with conservative, non-invasive therapy, avoiding surgery. A good solution is the application of a retainer, used to match the arches well, rebalance the wrong positions of the jaw and incorrect postures caused by malocclusion, also avoiding contact between the teeth in case of bruxism. In other cases it may be necessary to resort to dental treatment, with the insertion of crowns or the use of an orthodontic appliance.

In summary, jaw pain absolutely can be linked to problems with your teeth, but it is not always the case. This is why it is important to see a dentist regularly, and to let them know about any jaw pain you are experiencing. They will be able to let you know if the pain is tooth-related or if you must also follow up with a medical doctor.