Can a Reabsorbed Tooth Be Saved?

Tooth resorption is a common type of oral injury that often results in the loss of parts of the tooth. Swelling usually appears in the gums with dark or pink spots on the tooth. Dental resorption can affect various parts of a tooth, including:

* Cementum, which is the exterior cover which protects the root.
* The root itself.
* Interior soft pulp of the tooth.
* The dentin, which is the second-hardest tissue beneath the enamel.

Resorption most often begins from the outside and then moves inwards. This condition will lead to infection and problems like tooth loss, crooked teeth, and other dental issues.

Symptoms of Dental Resorption

Signs of dental resorption are not always visible. You might not notice resorption for months, but the symptoms become more evident as the condition worsens.

Some symptoms of tooth resorption include:
* Swelling and redness of the gum tissue.
* A tooth that is brittle and chips easily.
* Pink or dark discoloration.
* Small holes appearing in the tooth.
* Unusual teeth spacing.
* Pain and discomfort coming from the crown, root, or inside the tooth.

Types of Tooth Resorption

There are two types of tooth resorption, depending on where the loss happens. These are:

* Internal Tooth Resorption- This type of tooth resorption affects just the inside of the tooth. It is not a common type, and it predominately affects men. It happens most often if you have had extensive oral surgery. Many people are unaware that they have any internal tooth resorption because it only affects tissues inside the teeth. It is detected with x-rays.

* External Tooth Resorption- This kind of tooth resorption is more common. It affects the outside of the tooth, ranging from roots to cementum. The symptoms look like chips and deep holes and are far more visible than internal tooth resorption. When the resorption affects the root, x-rays will not detect it.

What Causes Tooth Resorption?

The exact causes of resorption are not completely obvious, yet several factors are associated with tooth resorption. Resorption is frequently a result of an injury to the teeth. These injuries might be the result of prolonged use of orthodontic appliances, teeth bleaching, or teeth grinding. The swelling in the tooth is often a result of an untreated cavity.

Treatment Options for Tooth Resorption

It is important to seek help from your dentist as soon as you experience a dental injury or notice any resorption signs. Early detection is essential for successful recovery. Treatment options for tooth resorption will depend on the specific case. Your dentist may decide to perform a root canal to fill, seal, and maintain your natural tooth. If there is too much tooth resorption, they may have to extract the tooth. In the initial stages of tooth resorption, when the affected area is still contained, your dentist will expose the damaged area with minor gum surgery and then remove the cells that created the damage.

Like many dental issues, a proactive, preventative approach is to brush and floss your teeth daily and to compliment your efforts with a regular checkup with your dentist for a professional cleaning and exam. Tooth resorption can still occur even when you take care of your teeth, especially from an unexpected trauma or infection. If you are active in sports, an effortless way to prevent injury is to wear a mouthguard. If you do injure your teeth or see any infection, visit your dentist immediately.

Can you Fix Tooth Resorption